Luton VHF Group - G3SVJ / G2L

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Now that the pandemic is beginning to subside Don and Ian went to Greenfield for the February 2022 CQ WPX RTTY contest. The equipment was an Elecraft K3 plus an Acom 1000 PA. The antennas were an A3S triband beam plus 80m and 40m dipole

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Don and Terry took part in the 2022 RSGB SSB Field Day on 3rd  and 4th September from Greenfield. They entered the Multi Op, Low power, unassisted section.

The equipment used was an Elecraft K3 and a G5RV antenna

They made 484 QSOs with an unadjudicated score of 94,922. The results put us in 6th place

Last Update 2/10/2022


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